Spring Forward Retreat
Bala Brook, Dartmoor, Devon
5-7th April 2024

You are invited to this spring retreat to give yourself a break from the daily grind and to learn some tools to enable you to go back to your life with renewed vigour and enthusiasm.

This retreat will offer you the chance to slow down, come into stillness and find your way into a healthy balance between doing and receiving.

Do you often feel overwhelmed with the pace of life?
Would you like a more easeful and healthy relationship with food?
Are you kind to yourself even when things are going wrong?

If you are looking for balance, transformation and profound rest then join me, Michelle Levi, for a few days of yoga and related practices that focus on finding ways to be more kind, nurturing and compassionate to ourselves.

As we take time away from our usual stressors we can bring some fresh awareness to our habitual ways of thinking and consciously encourage a more generous attitude towards ourselves and others.

The yoga will be suitable for both beginners and advanced practitioners, I have over 20 years of practice in teaching a range of abilities.

The venue is a perfect place for this kind of contemplation - practice yoga to the sound of bubbling brook, wake up to birdsong. Let your senses feast on the delicious scents and beautiful colours of the wild and garden flowers. Wander freely through the woods and relax into the spaciousness of the open moors.

All in all, the schedule, the venue and location, and the generous care from the team will ensure that you are safely held in a nurturing environment making way for deep relaxation, for growth and for healing.

There will be some silent periods to give you the freedom to truly connect with your inner landscape without worrying about others.

The food served will be delicious, nutritious and especially suitable for practitioners of yoga and meditation. It will be organic and PEOPLE ON VEGAN AND GLUTEN FREE DIETS ARE MOST WELCOME!
We will explore mindfulness of eating to improve our relationship with food and to enhance our digestion.

In the evenings we will enjoy a little time to sing together. With no need for musical ability, singing is a gentle form of exercise - it works the lungs and heart, oxygenates the blood and generates endorphins - happy hormones!




Guided Meditation



15:30 - 16.30

Group walk / dance / fun and games

17:15 - 18.00




Evening session with songs and bedtime treats
Have a question? Call Michelle on 07986654068.

Payment options:

If you wish to pay by BACS transfer and receive a DISCOUNT on the prices listed below, then please email Michelle and I will send you details.

Bookings are open

Accommodation options :
Shared room shared bathroom - £275
Shared room ensuite - £310
Single room shared bathroom £370
Single ensuite - £395
Accommodation options
The retreat at Bala Brook provided me with the nourishment and support I was seeking. I would recommend this retreat to anyone looking to begin or deepen their practice.
Peter G.
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Participants are invited to arrive from 4.00pm with the first session beginning at 5.30pm. We will close at about 12.30pm on 7th

This was a great introduction to all aspects of yoga for anyone thinking of starting out on their yoga journey as well as for more experienced people. You will leave inspired, refreshed and nourished.
Sarah Rushton
The word ‘transformative’ is often overused in retreat circles and publicity, however I have now attended 2 of Michelle’s weekend retreats and on both occasions, I left feeling not only calmer and physical stronger but also having changed my mindset or mood in some way. I would highly recommend Michelle’s retreats - she provides a very supportive environment for participants of all experience levels.
Christina Sensale
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The Yoga was amazing! Michelle’s instruction was superb - clear and good choice of levels. She was very intuitive - she knew my body better than me sometimes!
Great to have such a knowledgeable, experienced and compassionate teacher. Great that she came and adjusted or gave advice to individuals. I never felt bad that I couldn’t do all the poses. Great variety of techniques/ poses/ breathing - fantastic!